A few weeks ago, I never imagined that I would be writing this post. How quickly things change!
Here is my response and our plan of action regarding protecting our customers against the COVID-19 virus.

1 - We Will Commit to More Extensive Online VTube-LASER Training Materials
For several years now, Advanced Tubular Technologies has invested in extensive online documentation and videos. We've earned a positive reputation for all the documentation we share in our Wiki-based knowledgebase.
Starting immediately, our team is going to pour even more effort in our online documentation and videos. The plan is to use the web in order to protect your staff against Coronovirus by attempting to allow you to learn our software without a visit from our technicians.
This is how we will implement that plan:
Starting immediately, we will create more detailed documentation and parallel videos that are designed specifically for our sales channels to perform adequate demonstrations of VTube-LASER. By immediately, I mean this weekend. We've already started. New documents and videos are in production for our sales channels. They will be released next week (the week of March 16). These documents will be shared with the account managers and customers alike - so even customers can see these documents.
This next effort is an aggressive goal. I want to be able to give our customers around the world quality training videos that allow them view at any time day or night for no additional charge. Within the next 60 days, my goal is to have created a series of free training videos that will guide customers through setup and use of VTube-LASER in detail.
2 - We Will Commit to Take Staff Precautions
We will take precautions to mitigate COVID-19 exposure risk from our staff. This is the plan:
We will monitor our staff for possible infection.
If an Advanced Tubular technician shows symptoms of illness related to any virus, then we will not allow him or her to visit customer facilities until the symptoms are gone.
If one of our technicians visits any high-risk foreign country, then we will not allow that technician to travel to any customer plant for 14 days after his/her return to the United States.
I am hopeful that all nations can survive this pandemic event. In the end, I believe that it can serve to make us more resilient than before. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. Michael Cone, President Advanced Tubular Technologies, Inc.