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Benderlink for Chiyoda and Keins

  • Throw away old FLOPPIES - Manage 20,000 Filess & Backup to your network.*

  • ​Use the unlimited capacity of your network to store tens of thousands of bender files.

  • Backup all your Chiyoda and KEINS data to the network.

*Yes, we really can make that claim: We have a customer that manages 16,000 parts with Benderlink. We have designed and tested Benderlink to search through huge databases of parts in a split second.

Enter & Edit Data in a Remote Location
Enter data in a Windows PC using the offline version of Benderlink - then send it to the full Benderlink for download to the bender.

​Included 1 Year of the Software Maintenance Plan
​Automatic 1 year of software maintenance plan - support and free upgrades for 1 year.


​Benderlink in action

More About Benderlink for Chiyoda and Keins


​Benderlink is designed to make corrections-loops between measuring centers and KEINS or CHIYODA benders a snap. Take your part-shape bender setup from hours to minutes with the Benderlink system attached to a tube measuring center. (Note: We've documented actual cases that prove our claim.)

Supported Measuring Centers:

  • Supravision based Measuring Centers (like FARO with VTube-LASER, Romer, Aicon, Romer France, Addison, Axila, and Multi Systems)

  • Eaton Leonard Vector-based Measuring Centers (like Laservision)


Because of the network capability of Benderlink, all connections use standard Ethernet cables.  This means that your bender can be placed wherever Ethernet cables are run.  In most modern plants, Ethernet connections can be easily extended everywhere.


Customers can also purchase additional wireless Benderlink Modules that communicate through a standard WiFi Network.


The software allows for storing bender data on the Benderlink hard drive.  Data can be both RECALLED and SENT. Benderlink also allows for all 20 channels to be stored as one "Block"


The software also supports full corrections loops between the measuring center and each bender.


Sophisticated translation logic allows MQ41 operators to insert extra rows of avoidance moves in the FPB data without confusing measuring centers in corrections loops. Data is correctly re-translated when sent to the bender so that the special avoidance moves are not disturbed.


Benderlink is the only bender to measuring center system that automatically handles the 180-degree bend problem when communicating with measuring centers. (Measuring centers cannot handle bends that approach 180 degrees.)


Benderlink automatically positions the carriage when adjustments are made by the measuring center to the tube lengths.


Edit bender data and view tube shapes at the Benderlink computer.

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